Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Healthy Work Environment - Impact on Workplace Incivility Essay

Healthy Work Environment - Impact on Workplace Incivility - Essay Example 2. As a result of the uncivil behaviour of the nurse towards others in the workplace the team and organisation at large suffered many consequences. Firstly the nurse was detested by others and as such not any one was willing to work with her. Those who were scheduled to work with her as per the demands of the business did not feel good being at work; they spent a lot of time avoiding her. Communication between this particular nurse and colleagues was therefore severely impaired with consequential negative outcomes for patients. There is no doubt therefore that workplace incivility adversely affects works place relations and organisational performance as a result of diminishing service to customers. 3. My experience with workplace incivility relates with a lot of literature on the topic which has associated incivility in the work environment with negative consequences on productivity. According to Hutton, S., Gates, D. (2008), mobbing that is aimed at intimidating adversely affects the health & welfare of co-workers and also work performance. Other forms of incivility also negatively impact on performance and coherence in the workplace such as bullying. Consequences include an increase in employee absenteeism, lowered productivity; reduce incidence reporting, poor organisational commitment and even the feeling among employees of separation from employees. 4. Faced with workplace incivility, employees respond in different ways which combined adversely and severely affect organisational performance. As a response to the uncivil nurse co-workers tended to avoid her at all costs so as to avoid the embarrassment of being intimidated. They avoided being in the same office with her, attending to patients with her, and even just talking to her. When scheduled to work at the same time with her some colleagues even opted to be absent from work. The ultimate effect was poor communication and poor service to customers. 5. The

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