Thursday, October 17, 2019

None Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

None - Essay Example The family is met with a severe accident but all of them are saved to be killed at the hands of the serial killer, Misfit. This story is one of those in which complex and comprehensive themes are presented in clear and plain language. This is a simple story like a picture which is able to speak a thousand words. The major themes in this story include faith, morality and self conscience along with other religious connotations. Another major theme revolves around trust, mistrust and faith which the author has portrayed specifically during the first stop of the family at The Tower with their owners. The owner, Red Sammy Butts and his wife get engaged in a conversation with the family. During this conversation, the owner and the grandmother talk about the reality of the world and the moral ethics and codes which were ignored by people in everyday life. They talk about how no one in the world could be trusted anymore. Red Sammy Butts shares his experiences of mistrust about how he helped some people and gave them something on credit and never saw them again. This conversation leads to the ugly truth of the world, the presence of good and evil and the ultimate reality that no one can be trusted. The title of the story itself portrays the theme of the story that good men are hard to find this world, those who live, not for themselves, but for others. The author has tried to describe the shortcomings of the traditional meaning of good and bad. This traditional concept states that people can either be good or bad but in this story, O`Connor has tried to depict that both good and bad can exist within a single person. The author enforces that a person can find both good and bad but it just depends on the way he searches for it. Similarly, the initial story is portrayed in such a way that the reader would think that the story shows a good family and a bad convict, misfit. However, this is a false impression which is corrected at the end of the story. After the accident, th e grandmother and the whole family meets misfit and his gang. The grandmother`s judgmental nature results in a serious conflict between her and misfit which results in the death of the entire family. The grandmother thought that the only thing that will save her from the killer was her supposed good deeds and good nature. However, the story initially shows that the grandmother is a self serving person and she is clearly a racist and this is shown by her comment about the street children as she says, â€Å"Little niggers in the country don't have things like we do† (A Good Man is hard to find, Web). This clearly shows that the grandmother was a racist and during her encounter with Misfit, she thought she was good and her goodness will save her from the convict. She even called Misfit and â€Å"alleged criminal† and tried to enforce her superior position which further worsened the conflict between them. However, Misfit had more power than the grandmother at that time and he decided to end her life. Faith is a person`s belief in something whether it be God, a religion or even a personal trait, for example. The Misfit did not have any such belief in any religion but he seems to have faith on himself. The grandmother even tries to bring in religion and Jesus to change Misfit`s mind. She tries to save herself by bringing in Jesus’

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